Acupuncture in Great Falls
Alternative Treatments from Great Falls Animal Hospital
According to ancient Chinese medical philosophy, disease is the result of an imbalance or blockage of energy in the body. Acupuncture is believed to balance this energy and release the blockage, thereby assisting the body to heal disease. It involves the insertion of find sterile needles in specific points of the body. These points are highly innervated and highly vascularized (lots of blood and nerve supply) making them great points to promote healing, hemostasis and pain relief. Using anatomy, physiology, and pathology and involving an important type of physical exam called left "myofascial palpation, " allows the doctor to locate sources of discomfort and dysfunction.
Acupuncture can also be useful as an adjunct to Western therapy. Conditions that may respond especially well include:
- Musculoskeletal complaints, like osteoarthritis, knee, pain, back, pain, neck, pain, painful joints, and muscles
- Digestive problems like motility problems, inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract
- Respiratory issues like rhinitis, sinusitis, recurrent infection
- Neurologic problems like dick, disc disease, back injuries, spinal cord, injuries, nerve based problems
Benefits of Veterinary Acupuncture
Veterinary acupuncture offers numerous benefits for pets. It can alleviate pain, promote relaxation, and enhance overall well-being. This holistic approach stimulates the body's natural healing processes, aiding in the management of various conditions such as arthritis and neurological disorders. Veterinary acupuncture also complements traditional treatments, providing a non-invasive option with minimal side effects, improving the quality of life for pets.
Contact us at (703) 594-7363 to learn more about our veterinary acupuncture services in Great Falls.
The Right Choice for Your Beloved Pet
Five Decades of Care
When experience matters choose a veterinary hospital that is backed by more than 50 years of experience. We're here to combine our experience and compassion to care for your beloved pet.
Many Payment Options
We know how stressful and expensive it can be when your pet is sick. We truly care about your pet's health, let us work with you to find the best payment option for your pet's visit.
Our Mission for Your Pet
We are guided by the common understanding that the hospital’s foremost mission is to keep our patients healthy and enjoying life with their families.
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“I have never been disappointed.”
- Barbara F. -
“The care is superb”
- Nelson P. -
“She was handled gently and professionally.”
- Jessie R.