Welcome Home Hoby!

Meet Hoby . This handsome boy was rescued from South Texas by Lu’s Labs. He joined Lisa’s clan last week and fit in like a missing puzzle piece. He is extraordinarily calm and asks only for constant petting. He is not food motivated which is very strange for Lisa after many years of labs. Lisa writes that at 96 pounds he is the largest lab She has ever owned (although he might be a bit chubby) and learning to walk around a wall of lab is becoming a much needed skill.

Hoby the Chocolate Lab

He is 5 to 8 years old and sadly has heartworm disease. He has already started treatment and I feel I need to post his treatment of this very preventable disease. It’s very likely that he never had preventative like Heartgard or Interceptor and that is why he has advanced disease. The next six months will require lots of restrictions in activity as the worms die and become free-floating bits in his bloodstream putting him at risk for embolism. I’ve told him what to expect and he has already shown he knows how to rest 

Welcome home Hoby!
